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 Daallinii Rae
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Sent on 18/3/12

Attachment: New Release ! "4 Mini Victorian Shops" + Victorian Gazebo
From Daallinii's Creations, 4 stylish little Victorian Shops + a Romantic Gazebo, for your place of business or Village!


Sent on 3/3/12

Attachment: New Release! "Tuscan Love Nest"
A new House... Romantic & Sexy! The Tuscan Fantasy Love Nest... :)


Sent on 2/4/11

Attachment: Daallinii's New Release! "Sapphire Grove Manor" (rez me!)
Daallinii Rae present her new unique Home : the "Sapphire Grove Manor". 126 prims only!


Sent on 2/12/10

Attachment: New Release! "Marakesh Tower" (Silk Road Outpost:)
New Building from Daallinii! The Silk Road Outpost "Marakesh Tower" is a 69 prims pavillion offered at a great promotion price of 350$L only! Rez this object to see pics or come visit in world!...


Sent on 30/10/10

Attachment: Daallinii's New Release! "Rapunzel Fantasy Tower"
There's Magic in the air! Daallinii's new creation is a whimsical Fantasy Tower (Tudor Medieval Style) named "Rapunzel Tower" It is available now for visit and purchase. (Only 95 prims!)


Sent on 15/10/10

Attachment: Secret TP ~ The Pink Door [ red vortex ]
Daallinii created 12 unique secret teleporters (special doors, bookcases, armoire etc) and she is sending you one FREE to have your feedback! Thanks for sending her your comments! :)


Sent on 10/10/10

Attachment: New Release! "Graveyard Mortuarium" by Daallinii Rae
Just in time for Halloween, Daallinii created the " Graveyard Mortuarium". A must seen! (LM included)


Sent on 4/10/10

Attachment: Daallinii's Gift for Halloween 2010
Halloween is at Daallinii's! Open your gift and visit our little stall full of goodies and fun creative products for decorating your home for the Season. Happy Halloween!


Sent on 12/9/10

Attachment: New Release! "3 skyboxes, only 5 prims each!" Visit in world!
3 superb and unique Skyboxes, 5 prims each with hanmade detailed textures... a must seen created by Daallinii Rae. Visit them in world at :

Sent on 5/8/10

Attachment: New Release! "The Gypsy Wagon" ( and a gift inside) :)
A sweet gift for you people! (open the box sent) and a new release :: The Gypsy Wagon!
